Partially automated plant protection with small helpers.

Greenhive is the vision of farmers to live unburdened with the development and offering of an autonomous airborne plant protection unit that supports farmers in an economic manner using modern technology.

The airborne plant protection has multiple advantages as well as incredible development challenges. Being able to apply plant protection without dependency on floor conditions means doing the right thing at the right time and ensuring plant health. While existing systems exist for horizontal crops like rice, our solution is taking some steps further in autonomy. Not only in flight but also in refueling.

In addition to that, we navigate in a complex setting with vertical agriculture like vines or fruits. To be able to achieve this goal we utilize existing Drone hardware that is well tested for its flight capability and extend it on the area of Autonomous flight, sensing capabilities and work coordination. Therefore, we develop a technology-platform containing a Flight coordinator named (greenhive Cortex), a vertical spraying Unit (greenhive Bumblebee) and a control and refill ground station (greenhive Hive).

Christian Semmelrath, Tamara Kögl-Rettenbacher & Robert Kögl-Rettenbacher

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