Current handbikes for disabled people like paraplegics and amputees mostly have outdated technology and low technical execution. As a result, many designs are bulky, heavy, and very expensive. Only view competitors can provide bikes that are close to the standard we envision for future adaptive mountain bikes. Body limitations are vast and vary a lot, thus standardized solutions are provided, which often lack the adjustability which is needed. Moreover, low diversity in offered mobility solutions results in a lack of awareness and lack of inclusion in MTB-Sport.
The Enduro Trike is the first adaptive mountain bike, which provides the same ride feeling as a conventional mountain bike. As emphasized by our slogan “Back to the Woods” our products are designed to handle the rough terrain of the mountains and woods. Therefore, the Enduro Trike reproduces the functional motion of a tilting vehicle like bicycles and motorcycles, in combination with the advanced safety of a three-wheeled vehicle, whilst keeping the driving pleasure at a maximum.
Simon Walch, Thomas Mayr
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